Allergies and the Raw Diet

Many pet parents believe their pets have food allergies (we don’t see these often). Allergy test typically pick up everything a pet eats, and this is why we don’t sell or recommend allergy test.

Allergy test tend to sentence pets to a life of very limited diet which isn’t recommended. If you have taken an allergy test during the time your pup is eating processed food we encourage you to switch to a variety of raw proteins first before you pull out too many things out of the diet.

Turkey, rabbit and duck and lamb are some of the least reactive RAW foods for pets. 

Dogs may not react the same once eating a PURE RAW Diet heres why:

  1. Kibble dry diets have denatured proteins. The proteins have been cooked at high temperatures and all live enzymes have been destroyed. The cooked protein is not the same a fresh real animal protein. However an allergy test may indicate your pet is allergic to a certain protein. Allergy test typically pick up whatever the dog has been eating at the time of the test. 

  2. Is It Really a Protein Allergy: We never recommend allergy test while on kibble. Almost all dogs are reacting negatively to the high level of carbs (sugar), synthetic vitamin and minerals, flavorings, and toxic additives not the stated protein. Once a pet switches to a real raw diet,  allergies are greatly reduced or gone for good. 

Why chicken tends to cause problems? Chicken proteins are typically in vaccines. Therefore when chicken proteins are combined with aluminium, mercury, thimerosal, and other contaminants  (contaminant is anything that shouldn’t be there) that are impure or unclean, is toxic or poisonous, or has the ability to create disease, this is what’s behind many of the adverse reactions we see in dogs.  But the good news is once you remove the offending foods and heal the gut pets should be able to eat a wider variety of proteins! 

However if you feel your pup has allergies to certain proteins just follow these guidelines when switching to a raw diet:

-Pick a couple of proteins that your dog has not tested negatively to (or try the ones listed above)

-Feed these proteins for approximately 6 weeks

-Re-Introduce the protein your pet previously tested negatively to. Many dogs are able to add this protein back into their diet with no allergic reactions. 

-Here is a tip regarding allergies –  Food Allergies are immediate and severe (biting and ripping skin)

If your pet appears to be allergic to several proteins – it’s very likely your pet has leaky gut. 

Listen to our podcast regarding Leaky Gut Now!

Grab our Leaky Gut 5 Step Protocol and get your dogs gut healed today!